

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 470 Seiten
EAN 8596547746041
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Übersetzer Übersetzt von William F. Fleming
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In 'THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV,' Voltaire offers a panoramic sweep of the grand epoch under the reign of France's Sun King. With meticulous care and the flourish of his elegant literary style, Voltaire forges a historical narrative that is as enlightening as it is entertaining. His work transcends mere chronicle by rendering a vivid picture of the intellectual currents shaping the era. He situates this detailed tableau within the broader context of the Enlightenment, highlighting the period's revolutionary strides in thought and its impact on the subsequent evolution of historiography. So, too, does the book serve as a critical analysis of the interplay between the monarchy, culture, and the bursts of knowledge that defined this zenith of French power and artistic influence.
François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, was a towering figure of the Enlightenment. His profound influence on both the literature and philosophy of his time emerged from an astute engagement with the world's complexities. Born in an age of absolute monarchical power and rigorous ecclesiastical dominance, Voltaire's biting critiques and passionate advocacies enshrined him as a perpetual advocate for reform. 'THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV' reflects Voltaire's enduring commitment to intellectual freedom and his desire to disseminate a nuanced understanding of the past-shaped no doubt by his experiences with censorship and his intimate knowledge of the French intelligentsia.
This volume is essential reading for aficionados of history and literature alike. Voltaire's acerbic wit and his genius for satire suffuse the text, ensuring that it remains as engaging as it is informative. It is a testament to an era of extraordinary cultural and intellectual ferment, and it serves also as an enduring example of historical writing par excellence. More than a window into the past, it underscores the enduring relevance of rigorous, enlightened inquiry-all delivered through the pen of one of history's most influential thinkers and writers.


Voltaire, born François-Marie Arouet on November 21, 1694, in Paris, France, was a towering figure of the Enlightenment era, known for his wit, satirical works, and defense of civil liberties. A prolific writer, he produced works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays, and historical and scientific narratives. Voltaire gained recognition with his sharp criticism of the establishment and his advocacy for freedom of speech and religion, which often led him into trouble with authorities, including imprisonment in the Bastille. His travels to England had a profound influence on his thought and literary style, which is well-reflected in his historical work 'The Age of Louis XIV' where he chronicled the life and reign of the Sun King, presenting it within the broader context of European cultural and political history. Recognized for his engaging prose and clarity of thought, Voltaire's contributions extended beyond literature to philosophy and social reform. His legacy continues to be vital, with themes from his works resonating in contemporary discourse on tolerance, reasoning, and the critique of dogmatism and oppression. Voltaire died on May 30, 1778, in Paris, but his intellectual heritage endures.

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